View Profile Sniperskeleton

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Recent Movie Reviews

65 Movie Reviews

Great job!

I zipped through EVERY single channel and found the channels you only find once.
It took ages, but it was worth it :D

Good but...

Why make fun of fourteen year olds? Seriously, don't be such a stereotypical retard. Apart from that, relatively funny, quite impressive graphics and magnificent randomness. Nice job!

Recent Game Reviews

35 Game Reviews

I appreciate the difficulty aspect of the game that drives you to dedicate yourself to surviving the full sixty seconds. However, although I'll grant that the game itself isn't exactly particularly long or fancy, I felt that the ending was still a little anti-climactic, if you take into account the effort put into getting there. It's an interesting little idea and it would be interesting to see developed and expanded upon. Nice work.

Oh noes!

Was he supposed to be constantly jumping or is that just a glitch? I found that I couldn't get him to stop so I tried to reload the page and then my heart sunk when the news report came on. I got the idea of the game. Haha. Well done.

Anyway, I'll just review the parts that I played. The option to choose so many languages was very clever as this may be one of the few games that people can play in some languages yet is only playable once. The animated scene was great and the first level... I think it was well designed. I can't remember very well. Oh, and the one bad guy I jumped on was quite original. I'm a bit disappointed that I can't play again but it's an original idea and was fun while it lasted. Good luck with any further pretentious ideas that you may have. :D

raitendo responds:

That sounds bizarre, you couldn't stop jumping? Are you sure it wasn't your keyboard that got jammed up or something?

Okay, but...

All those moves you put in were pointless because the mouse have guns. You land to use a move and get paraded with bullet after bullet so the only move you can really manage is jumping on and squishing them. It was a good game but the mice with guns really spoilt it.

Recent Audio Reviews

20 Audio Reviews

Pure grunge. :D

Very well done. The vocalist reminds me very much of Craig Nichols from 'The Vines'. The drums were fairly simple yet fitted perfectly, the guitar captivating and grungy. Excellent job, guys!

gothicawolf responds:

Cheers, thanks a lot. we go for the Vines style sound and I (Punkboyben, singer) am a huge fan of Craig Nicholls.

Not bad but...

Grunge? Careful where you put your songs...

HandsomePete responds:

Of course it's grunge, you fool.... don't you feel dirty after hearing it?

Awesome song.

You really are a meaningful lyricist, and amazing guitarist, an awesome vocalist and overall a brilliant musician. 01:15 reminds of heavily of "Rape Me" by Nirvana. I love your music and am going to continue to look through your work. It's people like you who make newgrounds worth visiting. :D Rock on!

So I am a bad animator, I don't care. Plus, I have five blooming, blammed submissions!

Age 31, Male

Mental Patient

What's school?


Joined on 8/17/06

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